The girls are growing and getting prettier by the day! Here are their latest pics! 2+ weeks ago the girls went to the dr. for their 1st little colds. They weighed in at: Chloe 11 lbs and 1 oz and Caroline 8 lbs and 14 ozs. I'm sure by now Chloe is closer to 11 1/2 and Caroline 9 1/2. They are doing better and sleeping more at night! Thank you Jesus! But, as they are getting bigger they are wanting to play more, eat more and test out their lungs more! They are just super needy little girls and they are already jealous of the other sister getting to eat 1st or being picked up 1st. It's just amazing how they already are noticing these things! Here Chloe is swinging her arm around and bangs Caroline on the head. "Ouch" Caroline says, "You just wait, I'll get you back." And so it begins.....
Life lately....
7 years ago