Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Girls Home now!

Hi Everyone!
The girls finally got to come home from the NICU this Sunday! Perfect Father's Day gift for Robert! 1st Dr. Appt today. Chloe is up to 6 lbs and 4 ozs and Caroline is 4 lbs and 10zs. It's like feeding time at the zoo at my house, so if you call we are just feeding the girls, sorry! Remica took this great pic!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Update on the Girlies!

This is Sara, updating for Barbara.

Things are going well for the Sims family. Barbara is expected to get released today! The girls won't be home for a few days still, but at least Barbara (and Robert) can sleep in their own bed for the first time in a while.

Chloe is now completely off oxygen and both girls are working at feeding from the bottle and/or breastfeeding. They actually both still have feeding tubes, because they are so small that the action of eating burns more calories than they are gaining from the food. (Oh, that we would all lose weight by eating).

They'll come home when their doctor thinks they are big enough and when they're able to eat without the feeding tubes. Keep your fingers crossed and say your prayers that this is sooner rather than later!

On to the note that you've all been waiting for. They are, of course, EXTREMELY cute! Here is some pictorial evidence.

Caroline working on a bottle

Barbara coaxing Caroline to eat


Chloe being fed by her daddy

Daddy and Chloe

Caroline aka "Robert Jr."

Caroline, again

Chloe, "Baby Barbara"

One more of Chloe and Daddy

Monday, June 8, 2009

WELCOME - Little Miss Chloe and Little Miss Caroline!

This is Remica updating the blog for Barb. I know that you are all anxious to see the girls - well, let me tell you they are just BEAUTIFUL!!!! I saw Momma, Daddy, and the girls today and everyone is doing great. Barbara looks AWESOME for just having twins! The girls were born yesterday afternoon by c-section at 2:35 and 2:36. Chloe was the first born, then soon after came Caroline. Caroline is the smaller of the two and is doing well. She is feeding off of her momma very well to me so little bitty. Chloe is on oxygen and a feeding tube. They are going to try to give her a bottle this afternoon, then try to let Barb feed her tomorrow. Little Miss Chloe loved her paci today, so I don't think she is going to have any problems when it comes to feeding! Here are some stats and pictures. More to come later.

Miss Chloe Jane Sims
June 7, 2009
5 lbs 4 oz
? inches
2:35 p.m.

Miss Caroline Jean Sims
June 7, 2009
4 lbs
17 .5 inches
2:36 p.m.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

35 week pic

Ok, this was really hard to post this pic b/c I really don't want people to see how HUGE my belly is, but b/c is just so freakish I figured I should share! It's a good thing my body has put on extra weight or I would probably fall over. Went to Dr. again this morning and Caroline I know for sure is going to be the red head,b/c she is transverse again instead of being head down, she is really doing to give me heart problems. I need her to move back to head down. Chloe has been head down on her side minding her own business for 3 months now. No, not Caroline, she is trying out every possible position each week! Keep praying that I can make thru this week and next to 37 weeks. I'm just really tired and I hurt everywhere and it feels like my tummy may just open up for them to come out thru what use to be my belly button.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Growing Girls!

HI Everyone!
Today was measuring day! Chloe is now 5lbs and 5 ozs she gained a whole pound and 2 ozs, and Caroline is now 4lbs and 2 ozs she gained almost a whole pound, 14 ozs. I'm so excited they are growing more with just sitting with my feet up! Hopefully we will make it 2 more weeks for them to get to 6 and 1/2 and 5 and 1/2. That would be really exciting, and it would be 37 weeks, even more exciting for twins! Grow baby girls Grow!