- :)say momma and dada really well
- :)pull up and move a long the edge of things
- :)take a few steps if you hold our hands
- :)climb the stairs...yikes
- ;)learning to feed ourselves...messy, messy
- and tons of other things I'm sure I'm forgetting!
Chloe looks so cute here in her hat her Aunt JoDee got her. We are about to go get her helmet fitted so I'm trying to make her see something on her head is not such a bad thing!
Chloe is such a good crawler now and is almost just as quick as Caroline! It's just amazing how quickly they pick up on something. On the 22nd I took the girls for their 9month appt. The good thing was no shots this time.
Chloe weighed 17 and 1/2 lbs and was 27.5inches long. 25% still for here weight and 50% for height! Yea
Caroline weighed 15 and 1/2 lbs only gained 4ozs bc she moves so much she just can't stay still! She is 27 inches long, only .5 shorter than Chloe. That makes Caroline in the 5% for weight if you move her back a month if not she's not even on the chart and 50% like sister girl for height!Super cute Caroline tries out the purple hat too, she decided she didn't want to wear the pink because it doesn't match her outfit. I wonder where she got that from? Smart little fashion queen already!
Here is Chloe just back from our helmet fitting! She still looks so cute to me! Robert is now calling her CRASH bc she has always kind of banged into things and now with this helmet she is going to think she is invisible, not a good thing! So far she doesn't really mind it on, just doesn't care for the putting on and taking off!
Love it! Berklie would be so proud of their bows! The bigger the better we always say! Chloe Bear looks like a little doll in her helmet! Too cute! Can't wait to see you guys this weekend!