Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Chloe + Caroline womb pics!

So, today we went back to the specialist and had the girls measured as usual! 1st Pic is of Caroline, and 2nd pic is of Chloe!

Chloe is 1lb and 9 oz (6 oz gain), and Caroline really caught up at 1lb 7 (8 oz gain)
Grow, babies grow, Mommy loves you!


  1. Barbie!! I'm so happy to see pics of the girls, and hear that they are both growing so well! I can't believe how quickly little Caroline caught up to Chloe! This is such great news! Yea, baby girls!!

  2. Yea for C&C! They're growing so fast! Sounds like Caroline is finally fighting for her share. (I'm sure it was the shower food that helped with their latest weight gain).

  3. How exciting! See I told you that Caroline would catch up! Maybe she is just going to be a slow eater.....lol! Glad they are doing so well - love you!
