Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Bed Rest/ 2 vs 1

OK, so it's been almost 2 full months since I've last updated! As you can see from the pic, I've been busy growing 2 little baby girls and of course working! Today is my second day on bed rest, which as you can probably tell from the yucky swelling in the pic I really needed. This is a picture of me and my friend Rachel. She is having her cute baby girl the same time we will be having the girls, and yes, their is a HUGE difference as you can tell from having 1 to having 2. If you can only imagine all the questions I would get from people while I'm out or just even walking thru Nordstrom to get to my office. Robert and I were as Sam's about 2 weeks ago, and he was shocked how many people stopped and wanted to comment or ask about the size of my stomach! At the check out was a lady, with only 3 weeks to go, when she found out I was having twins the strange look disappeared from her face. When we left he asked if this happened to me all the time. I said yes! And it really getting worse!
Pro's of bed rest: NO WORK, less swelling due to having feet up, able to update blog, reading books, and taking naps! Going to Dr/Drs 3 times a week is now an outing.
Cons' of bed rest: No work, yes, I am one of those control freaks that happened to love my job for the most part. Had to give my crackberry to my interim, and I don't get to see my friends who I share an office area with. Yesterday my 1st day at home, it was 9:20 and I was thinking, I bet Lexi and Jackie are going to the ebar to have coffee and I'm here at my house wishing I was going too!
Ok, enough of that, I will work on posting pics of the girls room, and more pics from my showers this week!


  1. Yea, Barb! I'm so happy you're back in blogland! How are you feeling now that you've rested for a couple of days? How is the swelling?
    I'm really excited to see pictures of the girls' room!
    Love ya!

  2. I can't wait to see pictures of the room..I am sure it is SUPER cute! You don't have much longer to go and you can hold your sweet baby girls! You look GREAT!! Enjoy the rest, because when they get here there won't be any!

  3. Yea for blogging! I'm glad you're getting to take it easy (well, as easy as your body will allow). Tell Robert I said he'd better be waiting on you hand and foot or I'm going to G-town for a butt kickin'.

